Photo gallery

photos/IPM1 1st international partnership meeting in Kerkdriel (NL), 22-23.02.2010
photos/IPM2 2nd international partnership meeting in Barcelona (ES), 13-14.09.2010
photos/IPM3 3rd international partnership meeting in Liverpool (UK), 9-10.05.2011
photos/ISGP International Seminar „Good Practices on Social Inclusion“ in Urecht (NL), 24.02.2010
photos/SV Study visits to Barcelona (ES) 09.2010 and Goettingen (DE) 07.2011
photos/IC Final International Conference and 4th international partnership meeting in Kaunas (Lithuania) 3-5.11.2011
photos/NGroup National piloting on group social mentoring (in Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania and Spain)
photos/NModels National seminars on Role Models on social inclusion (in Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania and Spain)
photos/NWorkshops National testing of visual workshops (in Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania and Spain)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and
the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein.