
International Seminar „Good Practices on Social Inclusion“, 24.02.2010

  1. Introduction of the EC Grundtvig project “Innovative Methods and Practices to Facilitate Social Inclusion: LIGHT”. Liudmila Mecajeva, Director of Social Innovation Fund in Lithuania, project coordinator
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  2. Activation Project Kanaleneiland by Maria Hoogveld and Korrie Koolen
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  3. Resto Van Harte by Miriam Schuring
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  4. Lithuanian experience on social inclusion of unemployed women. Role model on Social inclusion of long-term unemployed woman: video clip “Vilija”. Anzelika Lilaite, Project manager at Social Innovation Fund, Lithuania
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  5. Czech experience on social inclusion of unemployed women. Klara Hanelova, Project manager at ATHENA - Association Education and Development of Women, Czech Republic
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  6. German experiences on social inclusion of unemployed women. Angelika Böttcher, Project development manager at Volkshochschule Göttingen e.V., Germany
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  7. Spanish experience on social inclusion of senior citizens. Ferran Calvo, President of Baobab Association, Catalan association for multipurpose train, Spain
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  8. English experience on social inclusion of migrants. Nicola Daley, Chief Executive at the Merseyside Expanding Horizons, United Kingdom
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  9. Mentoring as a method of successful social inclusion. prof. hab. dr. Margarita Tereseviciene, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
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Final International Conference “Social Mobility Model – New Learning Pathways to Social Inclusion”, 04.11.2011

  1. European Lifelong Learning Programme Grudtvig project “LIGHT: Innovative Methods and Practices to facilitate Social Inclusion”. Liudmila Mecajeva, Director of Social Innovation Fund in Lithuania, project coordinator
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  2. Concept of Role Model within Social Mobility Model. Rosina Ndukwe, Project manager at Merseyside Expanding Horizons, United Kingdom
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  3. Concept of Visual Workshop “Equal Opportunities and non discrimination” within Social Mobility Model. Angelika Böttcher, Project development manager at Volkshochschule Göttingen e.V., Germany
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  4. Concept of Group Social Mentoring within Social Mobility Model. Audrone Kisieliene, Director of European Innovation Centre, Lithuania
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  5. The role of Learners’ Commission within the project. prof. hab. dr. Margarita Tereseviciene, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
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  6. The impact of the project “LIGHT: Innovative Methods and Practices to facilitate Social Inclusion” to the target group. Antonius Brouwers and Harrie Prince, Stichting Gamma Dienstverlenning, The Netherland
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and
the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein.